
Sunday 12 August 2012


A bazaar where Muslims buy foods for break fasting in Malaysia. Bazaar are everywhere so easy to people go for buy a food for break fasting. Many type of food that we can choose like dish, cake, water and so on. Usually bazaar open at 4 o’clock until break fasting. Bazaar not only for Muslim but also for non-Muslim to buy their food.

Our group goes to bazaar to make some interview with traders about what her/his feeling during the fasting month and about the celebration at bazaar. Other than that, we also take some picture of traditional food, and the activities people do  at  the bazaar, so blogger can know what type of food that have during Ramadan and how the situation. Blogger also can learn what the difference between bazaar and night market is.

Making Roti Jalan or know as Net Bread
among the cuisines that are sold in the bazaar

The two most important words -- "Thank you!"


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